Merchandise Buying

Accurate buying quantities
for new products

Align each SKU with the current or past demand of comparable items to confidently determine the right purchasing quantities to reduce excess inventory and markdowns.
Nextail Buying solution

The exact quantity to buy of each product in every size

Hyper-granular demand forecasts empower you to place more accurate bets on how much of each product you’ll need to meet demand.

Maximize OTB

Align trading decisions with ongoing demand and trends, confidently going heavy or pulling back on items in response to what’s happening now.

Reduce waste and avoid markdowns

A more accurate understanding of how much initial inventory you will need to avoid overbuys, resulting in fewer end-of-season leftovers.

Increase inventory efficiency

Determine the width and depth of future collections for inventory that’s efficient before it even hits stores.


Align across teams, purchase with confidence, meet demand across channels

Optimize collection quantities and depth by ordering the right quantities of each item in each size, even with limited or no sales history.

Forecast accurately for new products

Nextail automatically identifies comparable items for new product introductions, using their past sales data to create a comprehensive forecast covering sales, stock, channels, markdowns, and sizes.

Review order quantities and forecasted sales

Access visual dashboards summarizing the total number of quantities to be purchased at family, subfamily, and SKU level.

Provide buyers with granular information

View weekly sales forecasts for the entire product lifecycle to schedule multiple deliveries with precision. See a size breakdown by selling location to avoid stockouts and leftovers across channels.

“At River Island, we saw the opportunity to future-proof our core merchandising
processes in a way that fits with the overall transformation we’ve made across
the business. We were eager to partner with Nextail to use data in a way we
never had before, helping us to become more agile in our decision-making in
order to benefit our customers.”

– Susanne Robbins, Supply Chain Director

“It was imperative that our backroom processes were as robust as possible but also offered great agility because delivering a perfect customer experience is only as good as the operations that support it. This is why we selected Nextail. Offering more than best-in-class merchandise planning, they also provide the synergies between the high-efficiency world of fast fashion and the curated world of luxury that we need the most.”

– Silvia Zunino, Head of Merchandising at Valextra

“The Nextail merchandising planning platform not only enables us to work more efficiently but also contributes to our sustainability commitments. By leveraging data-driven insights and the team’s deep fashion and retail expertise, we are learning to produce less while also creating truly customer-driven assortments. We experienced a sense of trust and commitment with Nextail, solidifying our belief that they are the best partner to help us achieve our goals.”

– Ted Boman, Gina Tricot CEO

“It was really easy to work with the Nextail team which is fantastic. Our teams were truly open to change, but implementing new technology is not simple, especially when it affects our daily work to such a degree. The Nextail team took the time to help us understand the logic of the solutions and the real benefits in terms of time and management that we would achieve.”

– María Jose Brazo Guerra, Planning & Distribution Coordinator for Cortefiel & Pedro del Hierro at Tendam


Powered by Nextail

Intelligent solutions need strong foundations. Our entire ecosystem is built on the Nextail platform, leveraging the latest technologies in AI and machine learning to serve you with one unified view of your merchandising performance and capabilities.

And the more solutions you plug in, the more powerful it gets.


Deploy with confidence

Our retail experts are here to make launching with Nextail smooth and simple.
Less than a month in, you’ll be able to see results and measure impact.


We’ll check and import your existing data


We’ll train your team and supervise first executions


You’ll see
tangible results
within a month

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