Style Union scales core operations with Nextail ahead of lightning-speed growth
Style Union, launched in 2022 by Nexon Omniverse, parent company of ethnic- wear brand Ethnicity, focuses on providing trendy styles for men, women, and children across India. With aggressive growth plans, Style Union opened 40 stores within its first year.
Impact at a glance:
fewer items
held at stores
out-of-stock rate
additional units sold after 4 months
Why Nextail?
Connecting HQ and store merchandising decisions to meet demand and fuel growth.
Style Union knew that their aggressive growth plans would require a reliable tech partner from the very start who would help them reach two crucial objectives:
- To rapidly expand the physical store network while ensuring scalable and connected operations.
- To implement robust forecasting, allocation and replenishment for appropriate stock levels for meeting customer demand and maximizing full-price stores while maintaining an appealing store atmosphere.
Style Union chose Nextail as their key growth partner, enabling them to take a centrally-led and automated approach to core merchandising decisions and leveraging Nextail’s strong replenishment capabilities and domain expertise in fashion and collection-based retail.
“Nextail plays a role in scaling the work our teams carry out for fulfilling daily store requirements. And even as we continue opening more stores in the future, Nextail will allow us to scale our central operations without necessarily having to raise headcount or sacrifice levels of detail or time.”
The data-driven team behind Style Union, made up of seasoned retail professionals, fully embraced change and was enthusiastic about implementing Nextail, making for a quick time-to-impact.
Insights and decision-making flows across the organization by way of Nextail, giving all teams the opportunity to understand performance and identify opportunities to improve sales. At HQ, retail teams have access to intuitive dashboards and smart reports that are updated with the freshest SKU / point of sale data to enable quick decision making.
By taking a centrally-led and automated approach to merchandising decisions, Style Union can scale their store network without falling short of staff to carry out core merchandising tasks as the network grows month by month, and who are now freed of manual work.
“There’s a bit of an addictive and gamified quality to using the Nextail App. Every morning, store staff are eager to open up their dashboards to see how their products are performing and all the factors that might be affecting it – it’s all there.”